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910 W. Parker Rd, Suite 325
Plano, TX  75075

"Dog Park" pattern by Elizabeth Hartman

"Dog Park" pattern by Elizabeth Hartman

This adorable sampler quilt includes instructions for making 11 different patchwork pups: Tippi, Bernadette, Cookie, Pickles, Lucky, Ginger, Edgar, Wadsworth, Buttercup, Jeff, and Clover.  Make all 11 blocks for a Large quilt, with or without Tennis Ball Borders.  The pattern also includes instructions for Small and Medium quilt variations. All using conventional patchwork techniques. No templates or paper piecing!

Large with Borders - 68" x 86"
Large - no Borders - 68"x 72"
Medium - 55"x 60"
Small - 40"x 50"